SE U(u)CH, NO UCH, LV CH, Riga Winner 2017
EE CH, C.I.E., SE VCH, Rld N
Waterstreams I Ted Bundy "Teddy"
Sire. SEU(u)CH NoUCH Don's Darlington
Dame. Ta Wei's Janis Martin
Född 8 april 2013
"Teddy" is the ultimate gentleman. His nickname is "uncle Teddy" due to his temperament and appearance. He is the one whom you wrap your arms around when life feels tough.
He is a thrill to work with, regardless of what you wanna do. Nose work, agility, rallyobidience, blood tracking or the show rings.
Hips A
Eyes clear
Pld Normal
International Show Champion
Swedish showchampion
Norwegian showchampion
Latvian showchampion
Estonian Showchampion
Swedish blood tracking champion
Rallyobedience Beginnersclass diploma
Riga Winner 2017
Passed the Nose Work ability test
2015 u. Hot Spices Betty Boop
2015 u. Ch Red Spot's Dolly Girl on the beach
2017 u. Eastfarm's Viva Waterstream
2018 u. Hot Spices Betty Boop
2019 u. SEUCH SEVCH RldN&F&A LD Startklass Wermlandias Galadriel
2020 u. Timra's Qreamy Qougar
2020 u. Don's Driving Miss Daisy
2020 Dame Don's Driving Miss Daisy
We are expecting puppies after Teddy and Himla week 47. I will keep you updated.
2020 Dame Timra's Qreamy Qougar
Teddy got five puppies with "Polly" (3+5)
2019 Dame SEUCH SEVCH RldN&F&A LD Startklass Wermlandias Galadriel
November 25th kennel Welsh Wings got their puppies. Now they have six males and 1 bitch. The bitch and one male is staying at the kennel and we look forward to see their progress.
Welsh Wing Arn
Welsh Wing A Smalltown Boy
Welsh Wing A King Is Born
Welsh Wing Amazing and I know It
Welsh Wing All Time High (Pricken stays at kennel Welsh Wing)
Welsh Wing A Lightning Strike
Welsh Wing And Queen Blanka (Blanka stays at kennel Welsh Wing)
2015 Dame CH Red Spot's Dolly Girl On The Beach
Marja fra Gahperus (hd B)N
Manda fra Honkaniemi
Mikilda fra Lintuvaara (hd A, ed 0)N
Mikkel fra Mallu-pekkajÀrvi (hd B)N
Milda fra Pikku-anikka (hd B)N
Minna fra Laittakka (hd A)N
Nelle Fra Koppelomukka (hd C)N